Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 07.00pm
Hong Da - هونج داHong Da - هونج داHong Da - هونج دا
Ambulance Entrance, Second Dr
Hong Da - هونج داHong Da - هونج داHong Da - هونج دا

"Hong Da Elegance in Every Stone"
Discover the timeless beauty of our premium marble and granite. Each piece is carefully crafted to add a touch of sophistication to any space. Call Now
"Precision Craftsmanship"
At Hong Da, our dedication to detail ensures that every slab of marble and granite is of the highest quality, perfect for your most discerning projects.

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"Transforming Spaces with Style"
Elevate your environment with our exquisite marble and granite selections. Hong Da delivers materials that turn ordinary spaces into extraordinary works of art.

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About Us

Hong Da Marble and Granite

Hong Da Marble and Granite is a leading player in the marble and granite industry, specializing in the extraction, processing, and supply of high-quality stone materials. Over the years, we have built a reputation as a company with extensive experience and continuous innovation in the field of natural stone processing.

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Expert team
Why choose us?

We offer many services to progress!

Our Vision

To be the global leader in marble and granite production, delivering superior products that meet and exceed our customers' expectations.

Our Mission

To offer a wide range of marble and granite solutions that reflect excellence and beauty, with a focus on innovative design, precision execution, and environmental sustainability.

Our Products

We provide a diverse selection of marble and granite sourced from the finest quarries worldwide, including unique colors and patterns that add a touch of luxury and elegance to any project.

Our Commitment to Quality

By employing the latest technologies and equipment in our manufacturing processes, we ensure that all our products adhere to the highest standards of quality and reliability, guaranteeing customer satisfaction and continued excellence in their projects.
Our Gallery

See the gallery of our work on the ground


“What Our Customers Are Saying”

 Discover the experiences and feedback from our satisfied clients who trust in the quality and service we provide. Their words reflect our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.


Our expert team will help you.

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Get in touch

Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, need more information, or want to discuss your next project, feel free to reach out to us. Our team is here to assist you with any inquiries and provide the support you need.


Our head office address:

Shaq Al-Taban, Al-Ahly Club Street, Ambulance Entrance, Second Dr

Call for help:


Mail us for information

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)